What are the benefits of building with native earth blocks?


An important benefit of compressed earth brick building is the significant energy savings that will accrue to the owner over the life of the building. The thermal mass of an earthen wall, with its capacity to store and transfer heat, results in a reduced reliance on active heating and cooling systems and a more comfortable living environment. Energy savings to the owner produce a ripple effect locally and globally. Energy efficiency is also realized in the manufacturing of the building material itself. You won’t find a better compressed earth block for sale on the market.


The oldest structures standing throughout the world today are made of earth, a testimony to the durability of earthen construction. The oldest continuously-occupied buildings in North America are the Taos Pueblos in New Mexico, made from adobe, and still standing 1,000 years later. If you want your structure to last, build with Native Earth Blocks.


Many regions of the world are experiencing drought conditions resulting in destructive wildfires. Thousands of homes in the U.S. are being lost to wildfires in every year. Compressed Earth Blocks are fire, bug, rodent, and bullet proof. When lime-stabilized, they are highly mold-resistant as well. What better way to build than with a material that resists the ravages of Mother Nature without contributing to her degradation?


Although Compressed Earth Block buildings can be built to any architectural style, many who choose this material prefer the look and simplicity of the block itself with a traditional earth or lime plaster finish. Exteriors typically are given a weather-resistant skin, which can be colored or left natural. While interiors are plastered with a variety of natural mixtures or left exposed. Arches and rounded corners are options that allow for flexibility in design, with a look and feel that envelop occupants and blend beautifully with the natural world.


Native Earth Blocks are a completely non-toxic building material, composed of the most basic of ingredients conducive to health for both people and planet. In contrast, conventional construction often traps toxic chemicals and gases in the environment. Compressed Earth Blocks are a frequently chosen material by those suffering from chemical sensitivities. It's a win-win for both the occupant and the community when new buildings are constructed with earth-friendly materials.


One cannot consider the attributes of compressed earth block without recognizing the enormous implications for our environment. From the manufacturing of the blocks themselves to the living with the finished product, Native Earth Block construction benefits individuals and the planet.


can living in a compressed earth block house benefit my health?


Compressed Earth Blocks vs. Traditional Bricks